A hideaway from everyday worries and routines. Our garden is an oasis of pure relaxation. Sit outside and soak up the sun or dive deep into our swimming pool. Take time for the small things and pamper your soul.
Swim the day away
Dive deep into the new outdoor swimming pool
Relax in our garden
Lush Mediterranean Oasis
A bit of La Dolce Vita in the Alps, a time to relax around our swimming pool. Soak up the sun and let the day pass by...
The outdoor swimming pool with a whirlpool bench. To hang around the beautiful pool, for a swim or to enjoy a bubble bath to relax your body.
5 o'clock treats
Press pause.
Afternoon treats
Coffee, tea or cake... our delicacies to feed your soul
Spending time in nature
is a shortcut to serenity.
Experience the specialty of Rundegg.
A secret private dinner in the garden.